Saturday 27 March 2010

Course Update

I am pleased to announce that I have now passed the theory part of my Canine Behaviour course with the IPBC.

Not only have I passed, but I did so with a final grade of 98%. As you can imagine, I am incredibly happy with this result, and am excited about taking the practical assessment.
I have also been asked to be the area rep for the IPBC when I start practising. I am honoured to have been offered this position, and once I have gained the necessary experience, I intend to do whatever it takes to represent good dog ownership and responsible training.

So what happens next?

I have enrolled on an Advanced Diploma course (Canine Behaviour Management) with Compass Education and Training, after which I hope to advance on to a top-up degree. Of course, this is completely dependent on how well I do in the Ad.Dip. Believe me, I will be working my backside off to get there!

In the meantime, I will continue to do my best to regularly post on here, and keep you updated.

Kindest Regards

Kelly xx

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