Saturday 16 May 2009

An Introduction to Clicker Training

Clicker training is the process of training an animal using a clicker simultaneously as a conditioned reinforcer for the behavior just performed, and a cue that a reinforcer can now be acquired.
The name "clicker training" is used because the primary tool is a small mechanical noisemaker called a clicker. The timing of the click indicates to the animal ("marks") the precise behavior that should be repeated in order to receive another reinforcer. Clicker training came about when Marian Kruse and Keller Breland, while studying as graduate students of Psychologist B.F. Skinner, taught wild-caught pigeons to bowl while participating in military research ([1], and later was used in training at least 140 species including whales, bears, lions and domestic dogs and cats ... and humans. [2][3][4] [5]It is a technology derived from the study of operant conditioning in behavior analysis. Properly applied the clicker is only used during the acquisition phase of training a new behavior. Once the behavior is sufficiently reliable a cue(ex. verbal "SIT","DOWN") is added. At this point the clicker is no longer needed for this behavior(ie stimulus control is attained). A clicker is just one example of a conditioned reinforcer (secondary reinforcer) or "bridge"[6]. Technically a stimulus from any sensory mode may become a conditioned reinforcer(ex. light, smells).

Clicker training is possibly the most popular, and humane, form of training in the dog world. It is used by many behaviourists the world over, and the success rate for training using this method are high. The sound of the clicker is used to tell the dog it has done something right, NOT to tell the dog to do something. Both of my German Shepherd have been trained using this method, although Lunik was trained to it at a younger age than Mason. Because of this, she responds far quicker to it than he does, so I always recommend you start clicker training as soon as possible. However, even if you have an older dog, this method is still the best way to train them, you will just need a little more patience when introducing them to it.

To begin with clicker training, you first need to train the dog to associate the sound of the clicker with a reward. This reward should be a SMALL treat, so it is best to prepare plenty of these before hand. If your dog is easily distracted, you should make these treats very tempting by using something with a stronger smell, such as cheese. You can find recipes all over the internet for appetising treats, and with a bit of trial and error, you can find what works best for your dog.
Follow this simple method for teaching the dog to associate the sound of the clicker with the reward.

First, gain your dogs' attention. When they look at you, click and reward them with a treat. After repeating this several times, wait until the dogs attention is elsewhere and click. If the dog looks at you, reward it. They have now learnt what the sound of the clicker means. If they do not respond, repeat the above until they do. All dogs have the capacity to learn, but like people, some make take a little longer to pick it up. Be patient.

Once you have completed this simple introduction to the clicker, you can begin using it to teach your dogs basic obedience and tricks. It is also effective when teaching agility, especially if you are having trouble teaching the dog certain obstacles.

Now you know the basics of clicker training, and have taught the dog what the clicker means, you can begin to teach them basic obedience and tricks.

PLEASE NOTE: This blog is NOT a replacement for puppy classes. It is highly important that your dog attends these classes, not only so you are under the supervision and guidance of a qualified professional, but it is also a good social experience, not only for the dog, but for yourself as well. This blog is intended as a guide to help you with the basics, especially if you are having trouble finding what works best for your dog, and also to give you some ideas for fun tricks to show your friends. It should NOT be used instead of seeking the help of a qualified professional.

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